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Fall 2019 Workshops:
Letterpress taught by Kristen Lyle
October 12, 11-2pm | $50 Materials Included
This is an introduction to relief printing using cast metal type and images. Students will learn the basics of setting type and printing on a small tabletop press. In this course, students will use compositing tools such as composing sticks, pica poles, and lead spacing to set a word or short phrase in type. Students may also combine typeset words and image cuts (or their own lino or wood block cuts) to create a composition which can be printed on the press. This process is great for making small journal covers, cards, bookmarks, etc.
Grant Writing for Artists taught by Madeleine LeMieux
October 12, 3-6pm | $40 Materials Included
In this workshop participants will learn about the components of grants. Students will learn how to find grants and how to make your grant requests compelling to funders. Students will write sample budgets, discuss times lines, supplemental materials, and the anatomy of a grant proposal.
Wire Wrapping taught by Tavia Sanza
October 19, 3-6pm | $50 Materials Included
In this workshop students will learn about wire wrapping and create a pendant. Students will learn to use wire cutters, chain nose and round nose pliers in combination with wire, and loose stones with no hole to make one of a kind wire wrapped pendants. We provide 2 stones, but you are welcome to bring any small item that you might want to turn into a pendant. Previous experience in wire wrapping helps, but is not necessary. All materials are included. What you make in the class is yours to take home. Tools are loaned out for the duration of the class.
Rubber Stamp Making taught by Kelsey Hammond
October 26, 3-6pm | $40 Materials Extra
This workshop is an introduction to the stamp making process. In this workshop students will learn about rubber stamp making. Students will learn to use the carving tool, rubber plate, and inks, and create a stamp that they can take home.
Materials est. $25.
Beginning Oil Painting taught by Carina Jimenez
November 2, 9 & 16, 3-6pm | $150 (three workshops) Materials Included
This three part workshop is an introduction to oil painting. In this workshop students will learn about the oil painting process. Students will learn the oil-paint medium, as well as using paint thinner and accompanied oils. Students will also learn the proper techniques to clean brushes and palettes. Participants will begin a piece to take home.
The Artist Website taught by Madeleine LeMieux
November 9, 11-2pm | $40 Materials Included
In this workshops creatives will learn about a variety of free and paid options for easy-to-use website platforms. We will dig in on one or two recommended platforms to show basic functions of the platform and how the website can be used to increase your online presence.
Pricing and Selling Your Work taught by Hannah Reeves
November 16, 11am-2pm | $40 Materials Included
In this workshop artists learn how an artist decides to price their work, ways that they can sell their original work, prints, or artistic services, ways that they can make their work more available commercially (ie reproduction for advertising), making sales and developing collector bases, tracking inventory and gaining gallery representation.
Intro to Collage taught by Madeleine LeMieux
December 7, 3-6pm | $40 Materials Included
In this workshop students will learn the collage process. Participants will learn the technique of collage and how to apply color scheme and concept to collage. Students will begin/create a piece to take home.